First Church COGIC
Regardless of your passion and/or strengths there is an area of ministry you are sure to thrive in. The most important factor is willingness. Willingness will qualify you for any area of service.
Prayer is an integral part of any ministry. Prayer is the foundation and prayer is the glue. At First Church we immerse every endeavor in prayer. All are welcome to join us for our prayer services (Tuesday and Thursdays at noon) and/or our morning prayer every Friday morning at 5:30 via conference call (Call 605.477.2100 code 650778)
Men and Ministry
The men at first church serve in several leadership capacities including minister, elders, deacons, pulpit chair, musician, Sunday School Superintendent, breakfast committee, etc. Our men are also members of our auxiliaries. For more information on how you can be involved please email us on our contact page.
Sunday School
Our Sunday School consists of four diverse classes. We have Pre-K Class, Elementary/Middle School Class, High School Class, and Adult Class. We are blessed to have teachers with master degrees and certified in their area of expertise. Come visit us Sunday mornings at 9am to experience our innovative and interactive classes.
Youth and the arts
Perhaps one of the biggest highlights of our church is our youth involvement. The youth in our church participate in various capacities including usher board, YPWW (Young People Willing Workers) and Ordered Steps Dance Ministry. The youth travel all over the state and share their ministry, if you'd like more information please email us on our contact page.
Women and Ministry
Women head many of the auxilaries in our church. Auxilaries specifically geared toward women include but are not limited to YWCC (Young Women Christian Council), Women's Board, Sewing Circle, and Nurses Guild. Women in our church also serve as missionaries, teachers, and auxiliary presidents.
Community Service
We have the priviledge of being placed in the center of a community that we could really help. Our prayer is that if we were taken out of the community that we'd be sincerely missed due to all the ways we've sought to do kingdom work on the Southeast end of town. Our church seeks to continue to find ways to be of aid, we presently have breakfast every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month beginning at 8am.
Music and Ministry
Music sets the atmosphere, it can speak to the heart, it can calm fear. We love our music ministry. Every Sunday our praise team sets the tone for our services with uplifting songs and hormony. Our mass choir has "made a joyful noise" all over the state and loves to felowship as often as possible.